Sunday, November 26, 2017

3 Organic Methods to Get Rid of Weeds

Weeds! The bane of every garden and every gardener's nightmare. Chemical herbicides can be toxic and dangerous. So how do you get rid of weeds organically?
Get on Your Knees
The surest and best way to organically get rid of these ugly trespassers is to pull them. Yep! Get down on your knees and get your hands dirty. It connects you and the Earth. And it helps you to become familiar with the plants and flora you are nurturing. More than likely, your back will not thank you. But the aches and pains will lessen every time you look at your beautiful garden.
Tools specifically designed for digging weeds may have long or short handles. They come with a wide variety of heads for different kinds of weeds. If you are not sure gardening is your thing, or if you just need to spruce up a small space, tools can be purchased for a few dollars. With tools, you often "get what you pay for." If you plan to spend a lot of time gardening, good tools are worth the investment.
Get Pickled
Vinegar is Nature's go-to stuff. It can be used in dozens of applications around the home. Including as a non-selective, broad spectrum, contact herbicide. This means it is effective against nearly all plants when the vinegar is applied directly to the foliage. It is most effective against younger plants. When using vinegar against biennial or perennial weeds, those coming back from their roots, multiple applications may be required. Take care not to overspray around the weed, as the vinegar can burn the leaves of desirable plants nearby. Make sure you don't soak the ground around the weeds as this can have a detrimental effect on enzymes in the soil.
A simple recipe for vinegar herbicide uses one half gallon of vinegar mixed with a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Pickling vinegar is ideal because of its high acid content. And the dish soap helps the vinegar stick to the leaves. The mixture is sprayed carefully onto the weeds. For best results, it should be applied on a sunny day with no rain in the forecast. It may take a few days to see the full effect. Repeated uses are safe at weekly intervals.
Get Your Goat
Goats will eat nearly anything. Since a medium-sized herd can munch down several acres of weeds in a matter of days, they are becoming increasingly popular for weed control and fire mitigation. Goats are curious eaters and nothing within their reach is off limits. If there are prize winning posies, or other favorites in the vicinity, barricade them heartily before turning the goats loose. With proper supervision, a herd can clean up your property, leaving no destruction in its wake. Using goats of different sizes assures that the herd will consume all the weeds, as each goat chooses plants according to its stature.

Make sure there are no city ordinances or HOA rules regarding the presence of livestock before you take on this method of weeding. If you do not have the facilities to keep goats, they may be available to rent locally.

If you want guaranteed pest control without having to figure out what you need, expend the energy to buy and apply it, as well as expose yourself to toxic chemicals, give us a call. Custom Weed and Pest Control will come right out and take care of your weed problem and we guarantee our work. Visit site:

Thursday, September 28, 2017

How to Get Rid of Ticks

When dealing with pests, ticks are among the worst. Their small size and penchant for sucking blood, while posing a risk for spreading disease, makes them as repulsive as they are elusive. However, there are ways to prevent infestation while keeping your family and your pets safe from infection.
Many available products can easily prevent and dispose of ticks. Spray in areas such as doorways, cracks, crevices and windows where ticks may have access. Insect growth regulators will help prevent immature ticks from developing into breeding adults. Keep in mind that ticks are biologically inclined to climb. They will scale high grasses and foliage to hitch a ride on passing animals. For those who don’t like to use chemicals, cedar oil is claimed to be naturally effective against ticks. Cedar oil does little to no harm to more welcome insects such as butterflies and bees. In cases of a severe infestation, calling in an exterminator is the final option.
Pet Treatment
If there are pets in the home, multiple treatments can be used to ensure they don’t become infected and bring ticks into the home. Fur treatments that are applied externally once a month are quite useful. However, if coming into contact with them is a concern, monthly pills administered orally are another option. Shampoo and tick and flea collars are also helpful.
Ensure that before entering the home from outside, particularly where ticks like to reside such as grassy fields, farm lands, or areas frequented by wildlife, shake out pants and socks, and check shoes for any unwanted hitchhikers. Regularly clean rugs and pet bedding to make sure ticks haven’t taken up refuge. It’s suggested to put articles in the dryer on a high setting prior to washing. In this way, the heat kills the ticks first.
Ticks love high grass and dense foliage. Keeping a lawn or property well maintained and preventing overgrowth will keep most ticks away. Leaf litter, and bird and animal nesting need to be cleared out of any areas where a person might go since ticks often feed on these animals and will frequent those spots. Also, be sure to wear long sleeves and pants, tucking pant leggings into socks so that a tick is unable to get underneath the garment to the skin.
If Bitten
If a tick is found embedded in the skin, don’t panic and hastily remove the tick. Since ticks may carry diseases and bacteria, decapitating it or puncturing its body may result in infection. Instead, take a pair of small tweezers and gently pinch the tick around the head, as close to the skin as possible. Slowly lift the tick out and place it in a sealed plastic bag before disposing of it in the trash outside the house. Do not attempt to smother the tick; this method is not effective for removal. Clean the bite area with soapy water and treat it with rubbing alcohol or iodine. If you’re concerned about infection or disease, retain the tick for identification purposes and consult a doctor.

If you want guaranteed pest control without having to figure out what you need, expend the energy to buy and apply it, as well as expose yourself to toxic chemicals, give us a call. Custom Weed and Pest Control will come right out and take care of your weed problem and we guarantee our work. Visit site:

Thursday, August 31, 2017

What Is Post-Emergent Weed Application?

A nice, well-manicured lawn or garden can be a centerpiece for any home during the spring and summer months. Unfortunately, weeds can taint lawns and gardens to the point they become eyesores.
Fortunately, post-emergent weed applications can be of assistance in helping a gardener and/or homeowner win the battle against pesky weeds.
What Is the Definition of Post-Emergent?
When describing weed killers, post-emergent references the herbicide's ability to eliminate weeds after they have already formed and are visible on lawns or inside gardens. These chemicals differ from pre-emergent weed eradicating applications, which are employed to kill weeds before they grow. Post-emergent preparations not only eradicate existing weeds, but may be of use in preventing future weed growth.
How Do Post-Emergent Weed Killers Work?
These herbicides eliminate weeds in one of two ways. Some possess the ability to attack the offending weed directly, while others morph into a particular plant's root and attack it from the ground up.
What Are the Different Types Of Post-Emergent Weed Killers?
These substances are broken down into two major categories:
o   Systemic Herbicides
o   Contact Herbicides
Systemic herbicides penetrate a weed and eradicate it by destroying it in its entirety. Contact Herbicides are often potent enough to kill a weed on contact.
Post-emergent weed applications may also be labeled as selective and non-selective:
Selective herbicides are typically used to eliminate specific weeds collecting on smaller, grassy areas. Non-selective weed preparations are often successful in eradicating most weeds and employed in larger areas, such as fields.
Types of Weeds Post-Emergent Weed Applications Eliminate
Post-emergent chemical preparations are effective in killing perennial weeds, including Quackgrass, Bindweed, Nutsedge and Thistle. They will also kill annual, leaf-shaped plants which do not have the appearance of grass and weeds like Crabgrass, which does resemble grass.
How to Properly Utilize Post-Emergent Weed Preparations
Post-emergent herbicides must be employed with caution, as well as under the most optimal conditions. Once the particular weed(s) is/are identified and the appropriate weed killer has been obtained, one must carefully determine how quickly and often the chemicals should be applied.
In addition, it is important to ensure proper safeguards are taken to ensure surrounding grass, flowers or useable plants do not come into contact with any anti-weed application.
It is suggested the chemicals be placed on a dry, windless day with outside temperatures not exceeding 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The application will need time to settle onto its intended target. The specific length of time required varies depending upon the chemical being used, as well as the specific weed in question.
It is important to follow the instructions provided by the application's manufacturer. Last, but of great significance are the safety precautions one spraying weed killers should adhere to:
Post-emergent weed applications are poisonous substances that could cause respiratory problems and skin irritation if inhaled or make contact with one's skin. Individuals engaging in lawn or garden weed eradication measures should cover their mouths and wear clothing that covers their skin.
Where Can Post-Emergent Weed Applications Be Obtained?
Weed killing chemicals can be purchased at most lawn and gardening centers, or at many home improvement stores.

If you want guaranteed weed control without having to figure out what you need, expend the energy to buy and apply it, as well as expose yourself to toxic chemicals, give us a call. Custom Weed and Pest Control will come right out and take care of your weed problem and we guarantee our work. Visit site:

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Importance of Pre-Emergent Weed Spraying

What is a Pre-Emergent Weed Spray?

A pre-emergent is an herbicide that is sprayed or spread on lawns to eliminate weeds at the earliest stages of their growth. This includes crab grass and dandelions, among other invasive plants. Unlike a typical weed killer, a pre-emergent is meant to stop weeds from sprouting by being applied on early lawn growth to prevent the roots of weeds from taking hold in the soil.

Pre-emergent herbicides should not be used in areas where seeds of other plants are being sown. A pre-emergent does not distinguish between weed seeds and those of beneficial or desirable plants. It is best not to spray a pre-emergent where you want plants and flowers to grow.

Benefits of a Pre-Emergent

These herbicides are important weapons in a gardener’s lawn care arsenal. They will permanently eliminate weeds by not allowing them to germinate. They are activated at the top layer of the soil targeting young sprouts. A pre-emergent can break the cycle of new weed growth.

Pre-emergents are very easy to apply by spraying the herbicide through the use of water. The chemical is activated by the water, allowing it to soak into the soil. It can remain active for many weeks or even months discouraging new weed growth.

Successive seasonal treatments with a pre-emergent should lessen the need for it over time. Ideally, weeds will be completely eliminated requiring less lawn maintenance and resulting in a healthier, thicker, and stronger grass lawn with minimal weeds.

When to Apply a Pre-Emergent

Typically, an herbicidal pre-emergent is applied in early spring before the grass starts to come in. It can also be applied again in the fall when temperatures cool down and new types of weed growth occur. In essence, a pre-emergent can be applied throughout the growing season to prevent and control various types of new weed growth.

Basically, the timing for applying the herbicide will vary depending on the geographical location and climactic conditions. As soil warms up in the spring, the temperature of that soil will be the primary factor for when weeds and crab grass will start to sprout.

It makes good sense to seek the advice of your local State University Extension program or a credible landscaping professional for when and how to apply a pre-emergent.

Applying a Spray Pre-Emergent

There are different types of pre-emergent products. Some are granular and can be applied with a spreader. A liquid pre-emergent is generally applied by attaching the product container to a water hose and spraying the lawn area. Or, it can be applied by a tank sprayer that is carried like a backpack.

After applying the pre-emergent, it is important that the lawn be irrigated so that the product will soak down into the soil, being careful not to over-water.


A pre-emergent spray is an herbicidal treatment that deters the growth of weeds and crabgrass. It is important to apply a pre-emergent early so that it has time to kill the weed sprouts and not allow the roots to take hold in the soil. Allow the pre-emergent to do its job before you broadcast new grass seed and you should end up with a full and vibrant lawn that is free of weeds.

Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. Visit site:

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Weeds in Your Vegetable Garden?

Growing vegetables during the summer can be a great way to cut down on grocery costs and cultivate beautiful, rich produce that is unlike anything you've ever tasted before.
Unfortunately, keeping your vegetable garden looking clean and tidy can be a downright struggle. Weeds grow at an alarming rate, and no sooner do you plant and water your vegetables, you'll find a wide variety of weeds taking sprout.
The issue with weeds in the garden is that they can stunt the growth of your vegetables, taking vital nutrients from the other plants just to expand their own rooting system. Getting rid of weeds is imperative when trying to establish a lush and large veggie garden.
Mulch and Cover Crop
Mulch has a variety of benefits for gardeners, which makes it one of the best options when trying to get rid of weeds. Not only does mulch hold onto water and keep your veggie plants moistened, but it helps to reduce and even prevent excessive weed growth throughout the garden. There are a wide range of mulch options for gardens, but wood chippings and sawdust are the most preferred for vegetables.
You can also invest in a cover crop product, which essentially covers the dirt around your vegetables to prevent the sun and rain from hitting anything other than the crops themselves. This is ideal for preventing weeds from growing because they have nowhere to sprout naturally. Cover crops can be a bit more difficult to work with because you will need to lay out the cover before you plant the vegetables and ensure that the plants have adequate room to grow.
Weed Killer
Weed killing sprays are incredibly effective. The spray contains an herbicide that is specifically made to kill vegetation. One of the main problems with using a weed killing spray is that it can be all too easy to accidentally hit your vegetable plants. Weed killers are so potent that even the slightest drop on a leaf of vegetation will eventually kill the plant that was sprayed, so be wary when using these products and take your time spraying the weeds. If you're afraid of hurting your plants, pulling your weeds is safer.
Pulling: Techniques and Tools
The old-fashioned technique of pulling out your weeds is still a preferred method by many gardeners. You don't have to worry about chemical sprays, barriers or powders that can all have a negative impact on healthy plant growth.
There are many handheld tools that have been created to make pulling weeds a little bit easier. These can sometimes even be used while standing, which takes pressure off your back and knees. Unfortunately, pulling weeds is effective while you're doing it, but don't be surprised if you find more weeds growing just days later.
Keep Plants Close Together
A technique to use in the garden to inhibit weed growth is to plant your vegetables as close together as they can possibly be. This gives very little room for weeds to sprout and prevents the need for pulling, sprays or mulch products. Most vegetable varieties do well when they're planted close together since it's easier to adequately water them.

Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. Visit site:

Thursday, June 1, 2017

How to Control Grass Growth

Many people suffer with grass in unwanted parts of their yards, but not everyone knows how to stop that grass from spreading. Before you saturate the edges of your garden in harmful chemicals, consider taking these natural steps to stopping the spread of grass.
Clear the Area
This method works best as a preventative measure: Before you start planting seeds in your garden, make sure you've completely removed any grass or weeds that have moved in. You'll want to do this in early spring, and if you're a gardener who enjoys tilling, that would be an excellent time to take out any developing sprouts.
It's important to do this before planting because once grass takes root, it can easily become entangled with your garden plants and will be impossible to remove without killing the rest of your garden. If your garden is entirely covered with grass, of course, this method may be too time-consuming to work effectively.
Hinder Growth with Mulch
Mulch can be a great tool to kill unwanted grass. If gardening is a new experience for you, mulch is essentially dead material like leaves that is applied to soil to provide it with extra nutrients and/or for insulation. With this trick, you'll be using mulch primarily for its utility as an insulator.
For this trick, you'll first want to de-grass your garden, then spread a layer of newspaper around whatever space you won't be planting. Ideally, this layer should be about ten sheets thick and covered with four inches of mulch. This is to stop grass from getting any sunlight or air, and can be an effective way to prevent annoying grass growth. As an added bonus, once the newspaper has degraded, your garden will get a nice boost of nutrients from the mulch.
Heat is Your Friend
Boiling water has a longstanding use as a weed-killer, but this strategy can be improved upon to also get rid of grass. Simply take one cup of boiling water, add a cup of vinegar, and spray it on the areas you're trying to de-grass. The heat and vinegar will sink down to the root and kill the grass at its core. Because this method requires some preparation in small quantities, it works best for small outbreaks of grass rather than large-scale growth.
One note: This method can be harmful to the pH level of your garden because of the vinegar, so be mindful of how much you're using and what you plan on growing before attempting this solution. Some plants can thrive in soil with a high pH, while others will be impossible to grow in the same conditions.
Be Resourceful

Unwanted grass can be a serious pain to deal with, but remember that you have options before you resort to spraying your entire garden with weed-killer. These natural solutions are excellent and time-tested methods of controlling the growth of grass in your lawn, so use them before resorting to more drastic methods of grass removal.

Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. Visit site:

Monday, May 22, 2017

Soil Treatment Facts

There are so many articles out there that reference soil treatment and how it’s good for your plants or bad for the environment. All this information can be so confusing unless you truly understand soil treatment and what it entails. Check out these need-to-know facts about soil treatment.

What is Soil Treatment
There are different types of soil treatment. There is the mechanical treatment of soil before planting such as cultivating and plowing the field before planting. Another kind of soil treatment is using chemicals or to remove harmful chemicals. Most commonly we hear of soil treatment referencing the latter.
Soil can become contaminated in several ways, but most commonly it is because of humans carelessly disposing of waste. When an unnatural chemical seeps into the soil it can kill the living organisms within the soil and make the ground incapable of growing anything. As these chemicals leach deeper into the ground they can also contaminate nearby water sources as well.

Soil Treatment Methods
When attempting to clean the soil and make it capable of supporting plant life and other organisms there are different methods or remediation options available.

Bioremediation is a process that is helpful when trying to break down organic based contaminants. Bioremediation uses microorganisms to break down the contaminants within the soil.
Oxygen is sometimes used during this treatment in a process called Bioventing. The oxygen is blown into or pulled out of the soil to help the microorganisms grow better allowing them to break down the contaminants more quickly.

Soil Vapor Extraction uses pipes that have been put into the ground so that air can be pumped into the soil and then pulled out again. This is useful with contaminants like gasoline that can be easily turned into a vapor. The contaminated air is then treated as it is extracted from the soil so that it can be safely released into the environment.

Soil Washing is a good method for small contaminated areas where the soil can be removed and safely transported to a location where the contaminants can be collected and treated after the washing process is complete. The contaminated soil is washed with water or an environmentally safe solvent that will clean the soil and make it safe to be returned to the area from which it was removed.

Incineration is a soil treatment process that is good for hazardous contaminants that are safe to be burned at low temperatures and result in a safe byproduct that will not contaminate the air. Any hazardous material that needs a higher burning temperature or creates an unsafe byproduct does not qualify for this type of treatment.

Natural Attenuation is a soil treatment allows the naturally occurring biological processes to take place on their own. Soil naturally contains microorganisms and bacteria that will break down non-hazardous contaminants slowly over time. This process is a good option if there is little chance that the contaminated soil will pose a threat to the environment around it.

Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. Visit site:

Sunday, April 23, 2017

What to Expect in a Bed Bug Treatment

Each year, thousands of families are forced to deal with bed bugs. They can be contracted from various areas. Hotels, buses, movie theaters and even private homes. 

When bed bugs do infest a house, the homeowner should always tackle the problem immediately by calling an exterminator. These trained personnel will explain to the individual how to properly prepare the home as well as the extermination process.

Call a Pest Control Service That You Can Trust
Find a quality pest control service in your area. During the initial consultation, the individual will survey the house and establish a game plan for attacking the infestation. 

In many cases, the homeowner will notice bed bugs in a certain area, such as in a bedroom. However, these bugs travel fast and can quickly spread throughout the house. The individual should hire trained personnel who can determine the extent of the problem throughout the house.

Generally, there are two different types of procedures for exterminating bedbugs: using pesticides or a heating treatment. During the consultation period, the exterminator will explain the advantages and disadvantages of both procedures. 

Using pesticides can be cheaper, but many have found that heating is more successful because it can kill the live bed bugs as well as the eggs.

Handling Your Personal Items
Before starting the extermination process, the pest control service may advise the individual to discard certain items. He may suggest that the individual throw away the mattresses which can harbor bed bugs. In addition, the homeowner or renter should place all his or her clothing in properly sealed bags or containers.

The pest control company may suggest that the resident wash and dry all clothing. This will most likely kill any bed bugs. With furniture, many exterminators suggest that individuals place everything outdoors under the sun to kill any remaining bed bugs. In many cases, the resident does not have to throw away furniture. But it does need to be heated to kill the majority of the bed bugs.

After the treatment
After the bed bugs treatment, can pest control companies guarantee that the critters will not return? In most cases, they will not make that guarantee. Bed bugs travel quickly and can barricade themselves in tiny crevices throughout the house. However, if the homeowner hires a quality pest control company, then there will be a lesser chance that the bed bugs will return.

In certain instances, a home may need to undergo multiple treatments to eradicate all the bed bugs. In the following months, the resident should monitor and inspect all rooms to make sure they have not returned.

Bed bugs, which can feed on human blood, can pose a health risk for any family. The bites of these bugs can cause serious skin irritations as well as other discomforts. Once a resident sees a bed bug infestation, hiring a reputable exterminator should be the first action item.

Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. Visit site: